What 2016 has taught me!

First things first, Merry Christmas! I hope you had an amazing time over the past few days.

With 2016 nearing its end, I thought it was time to round-up what this year has taught me.

  • 2016 sucked. Let’s face it, it did. Okay so maybe not as bad personally I moved out, bought a flat and well tried to become an adult – Okay, yes I’m still working on that last one! 
  • Life is short. It’s been a horrible year, so many amazing talents lost throughout 2016. Appreciate your own health, you never know what’s around the corner, just look over the past year and you’ll appreciate that!
  • Spend time on yourself, 2016 has highlighted more than ever the need to be yourself. Mental illness has been in the fore front of many headlines and political debates through the year with Mental illness among young people rising dramatically over the past decade. Take a break, relax and step away from social media – Okay, so I know I’m saying this on a form of social media, but believe me, it will still be here in 10 minutes.
  • Do more of what makes you happy – Yes, this is similar to the previous point but bear with..! Figure out what truly makes you happy, is it simply sitting on the sofa, reading a book, watching a film or going for a run. If it makes you happy, you’ll gain a new prospective which in turn will change your year for the better.
  • Finally look forward to 2017, not backwards. 2016 might not have been the best, but what will change that? I wouldn’t rest on the new political backdrop of Brexit and Trump bringing you any sense of stability through 2017. You can change your own outlook, if you have goals and aspirations don’t let the economy, political leaders or your own disbelief in yourself stand in your way, roll with the punches – Bit cliché but you get it! Make 2017 your year!

Well, there you have it. 2016 has been a bit of a bitch but we made it to New Year and with that 2017 begins. Finally a Happy New Year to you when it comes!

Edinburgh at Christmas

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Okay, so living in Edinburgh we are pretty spoiled all year round, we are surrounded by amazing places and architecture – literally every corner you turn there’s something spectacular! There is defiantly something extra special about Edinburgh at Christmas time!

Firstly it starts with the annual switching on of the lights, the addition of the “street of light” coupled with the explosion of fireworks and mulled wine, makes for a pretty great start to the festive season!

Working and living in the city you see the slow build up of the festive extravaganza,   – Yup, Slow it feels like it takes ages to come along! Teams of people working to create the annual festive experience! It takes hold of the whole city centre, streets made up of the Scottish & European Markets, Kids Christmas tree maze and of course the usual suspects of the Big wheel and Star Flyer!


Many people in Edinburgh know Christmas has come when the markets, the faint smell of Mulled wine and obviously the masses of tourists hit the city! Personally I have to say, Edinburgh at Christmas makes everything that bit more special!


My Top recommendations for your trip to our very own Edinburgh Christmas

  1. Markets – ALL the markets. Right so they may be a tad expensive but whats Christmas without the post January money worries!
  2. Drinks in the middle of the ice rink bar in St Andrews Square – If your like me and don’t fancy ice skating, you can just sit back and watch others with a nice cup of mulled wine!
  3. The Christmas Shop on the Royal Mile – Disclaimer, its here all year, Yup we have a Christmas shop all year…don’t be to jealous! It’s an amazing little shop where you can get all your festive trinkets and decorations! Well worth a visit!
  4. Street Of Light – Based on George Street and well it’s quite the watch!
  5. Technically for Children but the Christmas Tree Maze…Yup thats right a maze of festiveness!

There you have it, Christmas is fully under way and well, I could not be happier as this is truly the most wonderful time of the year! In all honestly you need to come along and visit Edinburgh at Christmas for yourself! Even if your a bit of a scrooge, this will get you in the Christmas spirit! – if not you have some serious issues!

Merry Christmas!


Christmas – The Guide!

Some of you might not want to admit it but it truly is CHRISTMAS! Watch out for my Christmas in Edinburgh post, coming soon! Some would say I take Christmas too far – Who even wants to know these people really?! But in all seriousness I start Christmas in like September – Okay August, but who is really taking note! I am what is known as a “planner”, so here it is my guide to surviving Christmas!



Plan everything – you’ll thank me later! You most likely buy presents for the same people every year give or take a few. Make a list, It sounds pretty straight forward but you would be surprised how many people tell me they just pick things up – Even typing that stresses me out! When your making your way through several angry shoppers all looking for good deals or basically to get out the shop as quickly as possible, it will help! –I love a bit of Festive shopping if you hadn’t guessed, so no rushing for me! I use my Mac and iPhone that way if your online shopping or out and about your list is constantly updated! It also gives you little check boxes to tick off…oh the festive thrills!


Okay so you might have two people to buy for or 40! If you have to buy for 40, I’m sorry, I truly am, that sounds painful! I start by figuring out a budget, once you have your budget I always add about £50 on top! – Call it a contingency fund everyone knows you get carried away with the present buying process – or at least I defiantly do, I just cant help it! Im a sucker for a good bit of Festive Advertising! So having a a little extra stashed away always makes for a less stressful Christmas shopping trip!


Right, You’ll have a lot going on, several things to do and a list as long as your arm – If your planning that is! IT’S CHRISTMAS, unfortunately it only happens once a year – sad – If you can, get involved in everything, its not called “The most wonderful time of the year” for nothing! Any reason to dawn a Festive jumper, be merry and have a drink…Well I’m there!


So you want to host your own event, be it the main show on Christmas day, or a night before, during or after – why should the festivities end?! Well for anyone who has experienced a supermarket anywhere near Christmas you’ll know all the good stuff goes early and it is super busy – It once took me two hours to get out of an Asda carpark! You want to make your event a success, again planning is the key, make a list and go full supermarket sweep – little throwback to the 90’s! Buy what you need, if your cooking, baking or just buying nibbles make sure you know what your plan is and I’m sure your night/day will go off without a hitch!


This is where you will come into your own, You will have your list – If not we can’t be friends! You’ll be able to run through all the shops grabbing all your gifts! Okay so I generally do my shopping over a few weeks, thats mainly down to my lack off available funds normally – I like to buy myself things, whats the issue?!… But if you start a few weeks or months ahead of time and if your ultra organised then it does make for a significantly less stressful run up to Christmas!

My Top 4 Christmas Films! 

You can deny it all you want, but the festive period is officially upon us! Well to help you through the festive evenings here are my top 4 Christmas films!

Home Alone


Is there anything more festive than home alone! A kid gets left at home over the festive period, he is the “misfit” of the family and struggles to find his place! Swears he wouldn’t miss them if they disappeared….Spoiler, he does! Mayhem ensues and he realises he misses his family and wonders what Christmas would be with without them! Sorry another spoiler, but realistically you’re doing Christmas wrong if you haven’t seen this! The family return and they have the Christmas he dreamed off! Also the soundtrack is what Christmas is made off!

It’s a wonderful life


What is Christmas eve without It’s a wonderful life?! A classic Christmas tale which begins with one character near the brink of despair however in an ever fitting festive plot the film moves forward and shows how the absence of one person can change everything for those around them! It’s also black and white which just adds to the festive spirit! 



Well, If you haven’t seen Elf you really haven’t lived! “Bye buddy, I hope you find your dad” – If you said that is any other voice than the whale then we can’t be friends! Buddy goes off in search off his dad in New York. Only to find someone who was defiantly placed high on the “Naughty” list! Antics ensue – there is defiantly a theme to my favourite festive films! The best bit has to be the carols in central park…WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE! SO MUCH FESTIVE FEELINGS! As per most festive films, there is indeed a happy ending!

The Santa Clause


Disclaimer, the new ones… not so much the old ones! This and Home Alone are two films I remember being glued to the big screen when I was a child – I’m a 90’s kid, so when I say big screen, I mean big screen. A massive black box in the corner of the room. Like HUGE! This film holds everything you want from Christmas! The “T’was the night before Christmas” poem is by far one of the most festive memories I hold and it was all down to Tim Allan and Santa falling from the roof!



Top Tips for your first home!

Having recently bought my own place I have had to learn few lessons quickly! So here are a few of my top tips for your first place!


1. Save. Save more than you think you need – seriously, you’ll want to buy everything at once!

2. Priorities. Yup, one of the most #adult things you’ll need to learn quickly, if your anything like me and the excitement takes over! – I nearly bought a robot hoover…who even needs that! – Without going too “shouty parent” on everyone, there are things you’ll actually need; think sofa, fridge, cutlery, pans, hoover, Iron, lampshades – the list could go on! I got carried away with some of the small stuff and really had to reign it in – I hadn’t done enough of step 1!

3. Expect bigger bills! For the first few months at least, many companies and councils make you pay a few months in advance – I moved in August and had to pay SO much more council tax than I expected! – If your anything like me you will worry about it..Don’t, sort it, move on – they will sort themselves out after a few months, Just be prepared!

4. Stationary. ALL THE STATIONARY. Buy it – Yes, this does go against point 2, but you can never have enough stationary! – Make lists, list everything and keep organised! Lets face it, everyone gets a cheap thrill ‘checking’ off a list when you have completed something! A standard A5 notepad does the trick! – Personally I love a themed notepad!

5. Tools. You might be like me and think – what do I need them for! – I’m not the most DIY minded person, I’m more off a “lets get someone in to sort that” – This doesn’t work when you have bills and a lot of them. Luckily I have family who are DIY minded.

6. Order everything! Okay disclaimer, I bought a second floor flat, this one might not be worth it if you can walk straight into your place…I couldn’t – Side note, I also moved myself in, think lifting your whole life up two flights of stairs, IT HURT! – I found myself questioning that extra £12 on my £400 fridge and freezer order…Don’t. I the grand scheme of things it was a no brainer, it takes the stress out of it and they just turn up, deliver it and you enjoy your new purchase – add that to the win column!  

7. Succulents are your friend. I forget to water plants – There I admit it, Im sorry! No but seriously these things hardly need water and can live pretty much anywhere – I’m three weeks in and its still here! 

Well there you have it, my top tips for your first home! All or some of these may help you and I hope they do but most importantly ENJOY it!  Your spending a small fortune, drink, eat, laugh and experience it with friends and family. You only get one first flat, make the most of it!

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I Started A Blog!

I decided to take the leap and jump head first into the blogging world!

Having thought about starting a blog for the last few years, I sat one Saturday afternoon and thought – why not? Having pondered the question for a few minutes – hours really! – I found myself thinking off all the ideas I had for blog posts and slowly began to talk myself out off it! 

What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not great? Should I just leave it? 

After another pep talk to myself, I wrote my opening blog post and realised I don’t need to please other people, write a certain way or a specific number of words!

So here we go, If your reading this in a years time after scrolling back, well then Go Me!


GP  🙂